Early-Release Wednesday
Grades K to 3rd
24'-25' Registration is open!
Does your child love to be outside?
Our after school class offers both homeschooled and in-school students a midweek respite from indoor classrooms and schoolwork. Each Early-Release Wednesday we immerse ourselves in nature while exploring, playing and building relationships with friends and our environment, rain or shine!
After-School Wednesdays
(We follow the NSD schedule)
K - 3rd
Meeting Locations & Time
Heartwood teachers meet Arrowhead Elementary students at 2:00 at school
Pick-up Time
4:15 at Saint Edward State Park
Class ratio
1 teacher for every 7 students
(on the border of Kirkland and Kenmore)
Jan 8 - Mar 19
(no class Mid-Winter Break)
Mar 26 - June 4
(no class Spring Break)
Fall 2025, registration opens June 1st.